phoenix colonics

phoenix colonics phoenix colonics

After You Cleanse Your Colon This Comes Out

This is nasty!

But, all this toxic waste is in every human being colon because we don't do enough to keep our colon healthy. However, when you decide to cleanse your colon, you'll see waste that my frighten you, which finally came out of you

Colon Health Equals Good Health

The colon is a 5 1/2 -foot muscular tube comprised of the rectum, anus and large intestine forming the end of the gastrointestinal tract. The colon is also commonly referred to as the bowel.

Food is moved into the colon from the small intestine through muscle contractions called peristalsis. The main function of the colon is to absorb water and nutrients from food and process and eliminate feces.

The normal process of digestion takes from 12-24 hours, assuming that the colon is functioning properly. If clogged, food will pass slowly through the system, allowing undigested matter and toxic residues to build up and become encrusted on the walls of the colon.

Why is colon health important?

The colon is one organ that indirectly and directly affects all the other organs in the body. When colon health is compromised, the liver can't do its job properly. When the liver can't work efficiently, the kidney suffers, etc.
When the bowel is impacted, problems arise such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer. Common symptoms resulting from accumulated toxins in the bowel can include headaches, bad breath, allergy symptoms, PMS, fatigue, depression, irritability, bloating, acne, premature wrinkles and frequent infections.
When the colon is clogged up with "mucoid plaque," toxic matter can't be released, causing proteins start to putrefy, fats rancify, and carbohydrates to ferment. The longer your body is exposed to putrefying food in your intestines, the greater the risk of developing disease. Even with one bowel movement per day, you will still have at least three meals worth of waste matter putrefying in your colon.

How can I improve my colon health?

The first step to improved colon health is to cleanse the colon. For most of us, our colon is in a very unhealthy state, partially because the standard American contains far too much protein. While eating protein is necessary and healthy, eating too much can lead to an overabundance of acid in the body, which takes a toll on colon health by depleting necessary minerals and electrolytes from our body. Acidity leads to the inability of the colon to tackle harmful bacteria and toxins.
Eating too much in one sitting can have serious long-term effects on colon health. We shouldn't eat more than a handful of food in each meal. Overeating leads to an overuse of enzymes, and can cause our colon to work even harder.

Toxins affect colon health

Our environment is also to blame for compromised colon health. Most people are subjected to pollution, secondary smoking, harmful chemicals and pesticides every day. The immune system has to work overtime to rid our body of these nasty chemicals. This weakening of the immune system leads to a decrease in colon health. The local effects of this poisonous residue are irritation and inflammation of the colon.
Common diseases of the colon include: colon cancer, polyps, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, Crohn's disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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